Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India
Biofertilizers are defined as preparations containing living cells or latent cells of efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants uptake of nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or soil. They accelerate certain microbial processes in the soil which augment the extent of availability of nutrients in a form easily assimilated by plants.
Microorganisms play a vital role in accelerating the microbial processes in soil. Use of biofertilizers is one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are cost effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Several microorganisms and their association with crop plants are being exploited in the production of biofertilizers. They can be grouped in different ways based on their nature and function.
Mahabeej producing Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria (Rhizobium, Azotobacter), Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) for phosphorus, Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) for potassium, All these Biofertilizers in liquid form.
Rhizobium symbiotic nitrogen fixation bacteria, It fix nitrogen in the root and stem nodules through the action of symbiosis .It is used as a Bio- fertilizer for all leguminous plants. Species of Rhizobium available for specific crop.
PSB micro- organism plays a major role in solubilization and uptake of native and applied phosphorus in soil.
Azotobacter is free living bacteria. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen into the soil. It is used as a Biofertilizers for all cereal crops.